What is ASEAN?

what is asean

During you are reading this article, I believe you are searching the meaning of “What is ASEAN?” for your knowledge. I also committed to show you about the full meaning of it because I want to share the knowledge to the researcher in the world. Let’s start with our article and answer the question of what is ASEAN?.

ASEAN is an abbreviation of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, established on August 08, 1967, by Bangkok Declaration and signed by the 5 (Five) founding members such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore, and Thailand.

The process of creation the ASEAN is the five foreign ministers of founding countries conducted the meeting in the department of foreign affairs, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand on August 08, 1967, in Bangkok and signed the document of ASEAN.

Below is the name of Foreign Affairs Minsters and Prime Minister or head of states of founding countries during of establishing ASEAN.

asean founder

Member States of ASEAN

There are 10 (Ten) member states of ASEAN by 2022 with the five members are the founding countries and the rests are become a member of ASEAN after the establishment of this institution within the specification date such as following information.

List of member states by vertical alphabet:

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ASEAN Charter

ASEAN Charter is the institutional body of ASEAN, it provides the basic rule and regulation, code conducts and the norm of ASEAN. The charter also provides the guideline and direction of the ASEAN Community to achieve in the future direction.

ASEAN Charter established ion December 15, 2008, by ASEAN foreign minister meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.

You can see the important the ASEAN Charter in some following events:

  • New ASEAN Bodies.
  • ASEAN Meeting.
  • New political commitment at the top-level.
  • New legal framework, legal personality
  • Two new openly-recruited DSGs.
  • New and enhanced role of the SecretaryGeneral of ASEAN.
  • New and enhanced commitments.
  • More roles of ASEAN Foreign Ministers.
  • Other new initiatives and changes.

For example the new commitment at the top-level of ASEAN leader are:

  • To unite under One Vision, One Identity and One Caring and Sharing Community
  • To build the ASEAN Community comprising (1) ASEAN Political-SecurityCommunity, (2) ASEAN Economic Community, and (3) ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community.

ASEAN Summit

ASEAN member states conduct the meeting twice a year or semi-annually meeting, this meeting called ASEAN Summit, the highest policy making body, all head of government I.e. prime minister or president of each state or nation is required to join the summit.

The Chair of ASEAN Summit is responsible to set the schedule of meeting by discussing or consulting with head of states of ASEAN members.

Location of the meeting is frequently at the host country of the ASEAN chairmanship nation.

ASEAN Coordinating Council

The ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC) was established in 2008, is the forum of the foreign minister of the ASEAN nation members. The ACC conducts the meeting at least two time a year in order to prepare the agenda for ASEAN Summit. This council coordinates the roles and implementation of the leaders of ASEAN member nations

ASEAN Community Council

There are main three pillars for ASEAN Commuinty Council, the council is the forum among related ministers of the ASEAN nations. Below is the three pillar or sectors of the ASEAN Community Council:

  • APSC Council is an abbreviation of the ASEAN Political-Security Community, the council is committed to build peace and security environment for the people of ASEAN members lives among the countries in the region and the world with democratic and harmonious environment. The Blueprint of APSC Council is imagination to ASEAN to be a rules-based Community of shared values and norms; a cohesive, peaceful, stable and resilient region.
  • AEC Council is the abbreviation of the ASEAN Economic Community, this council is under supervision by AEC Sectoral Ministerial Bodies and the members of this council were designated from the minister who in charge of the economic affair. For example in Cambodia, the member of AEC council is minister of Economic and Finance. Below is the objectives of the ACE council.
    • Ensure the implementation of AEC-relevant decisions of the ASEAN Summit;
    • Coordinate the work of the AEC Sectoral Bodies, and on issues that cut across the other Community Councils; and
    • Submit reports and recommendations to the ASEAN Summit on matters related to the AEC.
  • ASCC Council is a short form of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, the council responsible of overseeing and coordinating the activities of all Sectoral Ministerial Bodies. ASCC Council work for the benefit, sustainable, inclusive, power, and resilience of the ASEAN people. The council conducts the meeting two time a year and the time of meeting are set by the chairman of the council by consulting with the council members.

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